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Approval Prior to Implementation

下面你会发现需要招股说明书的项目的综合列表 在365bet实施项目之前,应提交SACSCOC批准. 这些项目分为机构级项目和项目级项目. You may visit the SACSCOC Substantive Change Policy for additional information regarding these types of substantive change.

Institutional Changes

Change in the way an institution measures students' process to completion: 

  • Semester, trimester, or quarter academic calendars
  • time-based or non-time based measure
  • clock hour-based or credit hour-based measures

这解决了一个机构的大部分或全部项目的制度变化. An institution must provide: 

  • conversion equivalency from the current measure to the new measure
  • 遵守SACSCOC的学时政策和认证原则 Standards 9.2, 9.7, 10.1, and 10.7.

能力是通过完成课程和学分嵌入传统课程的 earned, and a credential awarded. Typical set up: 

  • student enroll in an academic term
  • 课程学分在学期结束时根据对能力的掌握程度授予
  • transcript records courses and grades

第一个项目需要获得SACSCOC的批准,其中50%或更多可以获得 by this route. After initial approval: 

  • 如果项目与当前项目有重大差异,则需要新的项目批准 programs offered
  • 新项目只需要通知,如果它不是明显偏离当前 programs offered
  • 只需要通知作为现有程序的附加交付方法

一种授课方式,其中50%或以上的教学由学生和教师共同完成 在不同的地方,SACSCOC将其定义为远程教育,无论如何 if the interaction is synchronous or asynchronous.

  • 第一个以这种方式获得50%或以上收入的项目需要获得批准 both the program and the institution
  •  如果新项目与现有项目有重大差异,则需要批准新项目
  • new program notification if not a significant departure from existing programs
  • notification as an additional method of delivery

通知信必须在SACSCOC董事会前六个月发送给SACSCOC of Trustees meeting at which the prospectus will be reviewed and should include: 

  • a description of the planned change
  • intended implementation date
  • 计划的SACSCOC董事会会议和该机构将参加的年份 submit the prospectus

The Governance Change may include: 

  • significantly altering governing board bylaws
  • significantly altering the board's scope of authority or responsibility
  • significantly altering the number of board members
  • significantly altering how the board members are selected

需要进行一次实质性变革委员会访问,确认周期可能是 impacted.

寻求停止所有教学的机构将被要求提交一份机构 teach-out plan. This plan will address imminent closure and must be submitted as soon as the closure decision is made. 

The teach-out plan must: 

  • provide reasonable completion options for all students in all programs
  • 解释学校将如何为学生和以前的学生提供访问 academic transcripts and other verification of academic credentials
  • 确定学生学术和经济援助的永久管理人或受托人 records
  • describe the process and expected timeline for the disposition of assets
  • 解决SACSCOC工作人员确定的对成功至关重要的任何其他规定 closure of the institution

For an institutional relocation a prospectus should explain:

  • institution's plan and timeline
  • assurance of continuous operation
  • 保证教学和学生支持服务不会受到实质性阻碍
  • assurance of adequate financial resources and planning to support the relocation
  • assurance continued compliance with standards 13.7 and 13.8

通知信必须在SACSCOC董事会前六个月发送给SACSCOC of Trustees meeting at which the prospectus will be reviewed and should include: 

  • description of the planned change
  • intended implementation date
  • 计划的SACSCOC董事会会议和该机构将参加的年份 submit the prospectus

Acquisitions include: 

  • institution
  • program
  • campus location
  • off-campus instructional site
  • any portion of a campus or instructional site

在批准时,需要进行实质性的变更委员会访问,并且通常是这样 affects the reaffirmation cycle. 

Required for approval if any of the following occur:

  • institution is placed on probation by SACSCOC
  • SACSCOC acts to end the institution's accreditation
  • institution's state authorization is revoked
  • institution is on provisional certification for federal financial aid by U.S. Department of Education (USDE)
  • institution is on reimbursement for federal financial aid by USDE
  • institution is the subject to emergency action by USDE

这个计划只是一种预防措施,但万一机构出了什么事 it needs to close, this will become the closure plan. 

Initiating coursework or a program at a different level than currently offered. The 机构提供的最高级别不自动包括授权 of the institution to offer coursework or programs at lower levels. 

A committee visit is required for this change. 

在SACSCOC董事会批准之前,新课程不得在此级别实施 has taken positive action on the institution's continued accreditation. 

通知信必须在SACSCOC董事会前六个月发送给SACSCOC of Trustees meeting at which the prospectus will be reviewed and should include: 

  • description of the planned change
  • intended implementation date
  • 计划的SACSCOC董事会会议和该机构将参加的年份 submit the prospectus

当一个SACSCOC机构与一个或多个机构合并时,就会发生合并 or entities. A substantive change committee visit is required and typically impacts the reaffirmation cycle.

使命的改变需要在本质上是重大的,并从根本上改变 机构及其学术课程或其他使命驱动活动的性质.

通知信必须在SACSCOC董事会前六个月发送给SACSCOC of Trustees meeting at which the prospectus will be reviewed and should include: 

  • description of the planned change
  • intended implementation date
  • 计划的SACSCOC董事会会议和该机构将参加的年份 submit the prospectus

当一个机构改变所有权、控制权或法律地位时,这是一种实质性的变化 需要委员会访问,重申周期通常会受到影响. 

Program Changes

Changing a program's progress to completion: 

  • Clock to Credit Hour
  • Credit to Clock Hour

This conversion must:

  • be based on sound academic rationale
  • objective formula parity between current and proposed measure
  • demonstrate no negative impact on student learning outcomes
  • demonstrate no negative impact on student time to completion
  • demonstrate compliance with SACSCOC standards and principles

其中50%或以上的课程可以通过直接评估获得 approach to competency-based education. 

Each direct assessment program requires SACSCOC approval. A new program of this nature 是否也有重大离职,并可能被批准为新项目 with direct assessment approval. 

For this type of substantive change, a committee visit is required.

与一个或多个未被认证参与美国贸易的实体签订的协议.S 根据教育部的规定,第四阶段的课程要提供25%到50%的课程内容 as its own.

Prospectus would include: 

  • programs involved
  • names and contact information for responsible parties
  • copy of a signed agreement

如果SACSCOC实体在实质性变更限制上,那么批准将是 required for up to 50% of a program.

函授教育通过邮件提供教学材料和考试 or electronic transmission. Courses are self-paced at the student's discretion. 

Distance Education requirements equally apply to correspondence education.

学生在两个或更多的机构接受指导,其中一个不是SACSCOC accredited. The award would bear the names, seals and signatures of each institution. 

向现有项目添加交付方法需要在实施之前获得批准 for only those on Substantive Change Restriction. These changes could be: 

  • adding online 
  • adding face-to-face
  • adding competency based 

一个特定的交付方法适用于50%或更多的项目交付 that program. A program may be delivered 50% or more by more than one method.

一个新节目的50%到100%的内容都是新的,而且是一个重大的突破 from existing institutional programs. 

  • 内容是新的,如果它目前没有提供由机构在适当的 level of the program
  • determination of the percentage is made by the institution
  • 新课程的批准同样适用于学位、文凭、证书或其他学分 credential 
  • 如果机构不被批准提供新级别的课程和项目 change must also be submitted. 
  • 提高课程水平,如机构目前提供学士学位 degrees and now would like to offer a master's degree.

Closure is defined as the time students are no longer admitted to the program. Closures include:

  • ending a program
  • ending a delivery method
  • ending a program or delivery method at a location
This requirement applies only to institutions on Substantive Change Restriction. 

A change in program length will require SACSCOC approval if: 

  • program credit hours increase or decrease by 25%

  • 学生完成学业的预期时间增加或减少超过一个学期

If on Substantive Change Restriction: 

  • a change in program length by a 25% increase or decrease requires approval

An off-campus instructional site is a location separate from the main campus. SACSCOC approval is required. There are two approval methods:

  • Extensive Review
    • a minimum of two sites must be approved by extensive review
    • two components for this review
      • institutional-level review
      • site-specific review
    • two approval methods
      • Approval by the SACSCOC Board of Trustees based on prospectus review
      • 由SACSCOC董事会根据纳入和再次确认时的审查批准
  • Limited Review
    • approval is based on review of the site in a submitted prospectus when:
      • institution has two or more sites approved by extensive review
      • 机构已成功完成至少一次十年一次的认证确认
      • institution is not on Substantive Change Restriction
      • 需要SACSCOC董事会执行委员会的批准,并且发生 year-round

Moving an branch campus requires approval by submission of a prospectus. 

Closure approval applies to: 

  • notified sites (less than 50%)
  • approved sites (50% or greater)

An acceptable teach-put plan is required.

这是必要的,因为SACSCOC不批准关闭,但学生有一个 可接受的和合理的机会,以完成他们的计划,最初的意图 with minimal disruption.

*Information Source: SACSCOC Substantive Change Policy and Procedures