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Staff Senate Resources and Committees



2023-2024 Staff Senate Committees

This committee is tasked with reviewing Staff Senate documents and attaining a vote/ratification within the first two meetings of the full Staff Senate for the year. Additionally, in the 2023-2024 Staff Senate, a written response for the 2023 University-wide Strategic Plan will be approved by the full senate and posted on the Staff Senate website.

Chair: Kyle Christmas


This committee is tasked with highlighting staff members university-wide. Additional ideas should be generated from this committee and brought to the full Senate for a vote. Once a month, this committee will highlight an 365bet staff member who will be formally recognized by the full Senate and a profile will be posted publicly. This committee may work with the Philanthropy Committee on larger events.

Jessica D'Alimonte

Jana Gilbert


This committee reviews upcoming policies for review. This committee is not a part of the University Standing Committee on Policy, however, it reviews and discusses upcoming policies and makes recommendations to the full Senate. On this committee’s recommendation, the full senate will discuss further and/or vote to support or recommend a change to the policy.

Chair: Jose Mendoza

 This committee is tasked with coordinating the Staff Senate participation in the Help An Elf program. Additional philanthropy ideas and opportunities will be discussed and recommended to the Staff Senate if the committee votes to do so.

Chair: Jordan Hartwell

This committee is tasked with highlighting areas/departments/staff members doing interesting and innovative things and helping spread the word to the appropriate supervisors or departments needed to promote or raise awareness of all these awesome things! This committee will also connect Austin Peay staff with opportunities to fund initiatives or creative interests that can benefit 365bet staff or students. There are a lot of funding initiatives available via grants or other funding sources that staff may not be aware of and we would love to help you put your ideas down on paper and move them forward for consideration. We know that staff are exceptionally innovative and have some amazing ideas about how to make the campus a better place and we are here to help you every step of the way.

Chair: Jason Longan